Serbian stage

2ND STAGE 31.08. August – 05. 09th September 2019; Closing conference will be held on 05th September 2019. Sport Centar – Faculty of sport and Phyisical education, University of Novi Sad, dr Vase Savića 3 21 000 Novi Sad

Our pilot programme  contributed to the creation of new destinations in water tourism along the Tisza river, Hungary’s and Serbia’s border regions by exploring on-site mooring facilities (eg sandy beaches, stairs), local attractions (eg natural rarities, cultural opportunities) and available services (eg accommodation, catering, shopping, rentals). We checked the local attractions, which were found in various sources before the WATERTOUR programme (eg Internet preventive site survey, literature) and indicated on the work map.

We organized a two weeks long kayak-canoe trip for the students of The University of Szeged and The University of Novi Sad) combined with handling over the academic knowledge about geography and culture of the region with sports and leisure time activities.

During the tour we organized joint professional meetings in Kanjiza (31.8. 2019), in Bečej (3.9.2019) and Novi Sad (5.9.2019) and promoted cooperation of Serbian and Hungarian students in professional, community, social, sports recreational and environmental programmes. In Bečej, the participants were greeted by the Provincial Secretary for Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof dr Milošević and President of Municipality Mr. Tosic, who gave their support to the project and welcomed the idea of further developing the potential of cooperation between Serbian and Hungarian Universities. Students and instructors rafted, ate together and participated in joint programs to learn each other’s language, culture, and make suggestions for necessary tourism developments.

The two universities are located relatively close to one another in the euroregion, they have good professional cooperations therefore we found it important to organize joint programmes for students. A novel feature of the project is that it enabled the participating Serbian and Hungarian students to meet and cooperate through professional, community, cultural, sports, recreational and environmental programmes. The program can be repeated from year to year.Through the popularization of water tourism and the strengthening of the role of nearby settlements, as well as by popularizing practical achievements of service providers in the area of tourism the geostrategic position of the Southern Great Plain and Vojvodina regions will be stabilized.

The overall impression, at the end of the paddling tour, is that it was a successful and eventful tour,bringing students and professors from different Universities together and creating long-lasting relationships for the future. It was particularly important  that this activity unveiled many strenghts as well as weaknesses of water tourism along river Tisa, which could now be addressed adequately to further build the capacity for this type of tourism. All participants expressed their desire to continue to cooperate on similar projects in the future.

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